Monday, October 19, 2009

A busy 2 weeks

The past few weeks have been so busy for Brent and I. I had to finish up my current semester for my masters by Oct. 31 and had to write 5 papers. They all had to be handed in by the 15th..AHH...but I got it done! Thank you Lord! It's hard to want to come home and work on writing a paper on education when I just spent 7hrs. in education. Hopefully I can get alot done when I'm home with Madison. I've also been putting together the school Christmas play and practices have started for that. Just one more thing to add to my plate. I told the other teachers I was going to go into labor early so they'd be stuck doing the performance. They didn't like that very much.
Last week was Madison's baby shower in Ohio that Grammy Vitt and Auntie Naomi threw for me/her. It was a lot of fun and I know they both worked hard and fast on putting it together. It was good to see all the ladies and friends that I cherish. Madison got so many cute clothes, soft blankets, and fun books. I'm excited to dress her up in all the outfits. She will be one cute little girl!
This past weekend was definitely a girls weekend. Brent had a men's retreat for our church and was gone all weekend so my mom, sister, and 3 nieces came to stay with me and get Madison's room/etc ready for her. What a weekend! Fun...but 3 little girls can tire a 7month pregnant woman OUT! They are such a joy and I love them but I also love that they go home with their mommy! We went through all Madion's clothes and seperated them by months and made a list of what we needed. Then we went shopping, made returns, made more purchases, and put her room together. It's not totally finished but it's getting there. My mom is a handy woman and made Madison's crib skirt to match the bedding. I didn't like the one they had at Target so she said she'd make one. She also made her a pillow for the crib and is making a seatcover for my rocking chair. I'm excited to get it all finished. Madison is all set and I even packed her diaper bag for the hospital. Maybe a little early but just making sure I'm ready.
Brent had an amazing weekend at the retreat and said it was life changing and eye opening for him. I'm so blessed to have a Godly husband who not only desires to do what God wants, but also challenges me to do the same. It's amazing how many woman think they have Godly husbands just because they pray at meals and go to church. Brent has become so much more in God's word and has such a desire to know God more and more. It's hard not to love my husband more each day!!! God has been so good to the Hall's!!!!!!!!!!!!

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